Founding PartnersThe founding partners include: Digital Scholarship at Founders Memorial Library and NIU Outreach eLearning Services. These partners bring a unique mix of technical and scholarly skills to the Lab. The Digitization Unit has compiled an impressive library of digitized historical documents and artifacts. eLearning Services has worked with faculty and other content experts to produce more than 100 online courses and learning modules, and a variety of online services for educators, state governments, associations, museums, and businesses.
The lab is co-directed by Aline Click of NIU Outreach eLearning Services and Drew Vandercreek of the NIU Digital Scholarship at Founders Memorial Library.
Aline Click is the Director of NIU eLearning Services and has provided leadership in online education for NIU since 1998. Her background in electronic media, web development, educational technology, project management and leadership of the highly successful eLearning Services team demonstrates her passion for NIU.
Drew VanderCreek is the Director of Digital Scholarship at Founders Memorial Library and is responsible for coordination of Abraham Lincoln Historical Digitization Project activities with partner institutions, including the selection of material for digitization and establishment of standards for digital capture and cataloging of material.
Faculty Coaches
Pi-Sui Hsu
College of Education - Online Argumentation, Fall 2014, Spring 2015
Todd Reeves
College of Education - Text Mining & US Civil War Analysis, Fall 2014
Tom Smith
College of Education - Science Lab Safety, Design Team, Spring 2013, Fall 2013
Cindy York
College of Education, Literacy in Motion Design Team, Spring 2012, and Mobile App Project, Spring 2014
Hayley Mayall
College of Education, Literacy in Motion Design Team, Spring 2012
Wei-Chen Hung
College of Education, Picodroid and Literacy in Motion Development Teams, Fall 2011, Fall 2012
Rhonda S. Robinson
College of Education, Lady in Red and Black Development Team, Spring 2011
Professional Staff
The DCL is supported by professional staff working together to achieve common goals for the university.
Faculty & Staff
NIU faculty and staff are invited to contribute their energy, enthusiasm, and expertise by partnering with the Digital Convergence Lab, participating in shared research, coaching a team of students on an experiential learning project, or presenting at a community workshop.