Student Opportunities
The Digital Convergence Lab provides students with the tools to become sophisticated analysts and users of interactive media and emerging technologies. Students who work in the lab will be interacting with real clients on products that will be completed and put into production. If you are interested in working in the Digital Convergence Lab or eLearning Services click on the Student Internship Application button on the left and complete the form. We'll be in touch!
Internship or Independent Study Opportunities are Available!
The Digital Convergence Lab is looking for students for experiential learning projects. Contact Jason Underwood junderwood@niu.edu or Aline Click aclick@niu.edu for more information.
Summer Paid Internships
Each summer the DCL offers video games design and development camps to middle and high school students. NIU students going into K-12 education are needed to help with these camps. Knowledge of game design and proficiency with GameMaker, Second Life, Paint.NET, Audacity, and Unity 3D, all of which are free to download, preferred. Interested education majors should contact Aline Click aclick@niu.edu with a resume.
Please visit our Experiential Learning Lab, Games and Virtual Worlds Camps, and Community Workshops pages to learn more about student opportunities.