Just for Girls! Video Game Design (Middle School Day Camp)
Dates: June 11th - 15th, 2018.
Middle School: This camp is for students entering grades 5 - 9.
Are you interested in animation, computers, virtual worlds, or video games? Join us this summer for Video Games Design and Development Camp where we have hard fun! Again, this year we are offering our popular video game design camp "Just for Girls" for students entering 5th - 9th grade. Five days of summer games camp just for girls!
Campers will also get to meet and interact with women who develop video games!
Time: 9am to 4pm.
Lunch: Students are asked to bring a lunch.
Location: Northern Illinois University, Founders Memorial Library, Digital Convergence Lab (DCL) Room 338. Students will be met on the turn around on the west side of the library (Carroll Ave) between 8:45 - 9AM. If a student is late a parent will need to walk their child to Room 338. Children are not allowed to come up to the lab alone. Pick-up is at the same location at 4PM. All students must be signed in and out each day by an adult.
Program Fees: Cost for participation in this program is $250. We only have space for 20 participants, so early registration is recommended. For more information contact: dcl@niu.edu or call 815-753-0673.
Join the Fun
- GameMaker game design software
- Explore popular video games
- Learn the essentials of game design
- Develop a game story
- Create game characters
- Invent game goals and rules
- Storyboard game scenarios
- Design a game interface
- Create sound effects
- Explore 3D virtual worlds like Minecraft
- Customize your avatar
- Develop objects in 3D
- Compare video games to table top games
Registration is available by clicking the button below!